Wednesday, 22 February 2012

Military Drawing 1st of 2012

I am currently working on a drawing from this photograph:

1st The initial sketch to get all the lines & a basis idea of the details:

After 5 hours work today:

p.s. Please excuse the quality of my images above but my camera is on the blink :( but hopefully you get the idea & the finished image will be scanned in so will be of much better quality !!

Thanks again for looking


Monday, 20 February 2012

Military Art by Julie Ann Maddison

My Military Art work to date..

British and ANA Soldiers

Sniper from 1 Royal Welsh

 The Chinook Rear Gunner

Apache Helicopter

Immediate Response Team IRT

 Army Air Corps Apache

 Soldier from  Royal Welsh

Soldiers from  the Yorkshire Regiment

 Chinook deploying Ground Forces

 Royal Navy Merlin

Apache Pilot

Royal Navy Swordfish

And there is still more to add later !!
I hope you enjoy my work and any feeback is very much appreciated..



Thursday, 9 February 2012

Welcome To The Bandit Art Blog

Julie’s Bandit Art Blog

Through this blog I will share my drawings and ideas as I build up my portfolio of art based on the British Armed Forces for Veteran Bandit. I am sincerely grateful to all the photographers who have kindly allowed me to work from their amazing images. Having struggled over the years with Bipolar I felt I needed something to focus on that would have a positive impact on my life, basically I wanted to give ‘something’ back !!
Joining the Veteran Bandit team has helped me on so many levels I have made friends who I know will be friends for life. The support & commitment within this amazing team is unbelievable and together I am sure we will raise the much needed awareness, support & funds for our Armed Forces Charities whether it is to help Veterans, Serving Troops or their friends and Families.

So a BIG HELLO from me and thank you for reading 

